Description: 12" x 120 Gauge x 1000' Cast Hand Stretch Film
Features: • Reduce warehouse noise with super quiet, quality Cast Hand Stretch Film.
Use Colored Hand Stretched Film for product identification.
• Ultra clear film makes bar codes and other important information easy to read.
Wrap loads quickly and efficiently with its gentle release off of the roll.
Quiet film reduces warehouse noise up to 75%.
Film stretches up to 250%.
Great for use on uniform loads.
120 Gauge for loads up to 4,000 lbs.
Manufacturer warrants its new tools and non-powered dispensers to be free of defect in design, material and workmanship. This warranty is limited to 365 days from the date item is shipped to customer. This warranty applies to all parts associated with new tools and non-powered dispensers but does not apply to parts which, through normal use require replacement during the warranty period. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement F.O.B seller’s point of shipment. In no event shall seller be liable for labor or consequential damagers. There is no implied warranty by the seller for fitness of purpose. For a warranty claim to be considered buyer must contact seller from the return of the product for inspection. All returns must have sellers motion approval prior to return. all purchase information must be provided to verify warranty peter this information includes, but is not limited to, date of purchase and serial number of machines under warranty.